Welcome to IEC, UEC

Portal site
for our future students


Up Coming Events to Be Participated in

2024.08.06 Study in Japan Webinar  on MEXT Scholarship University Recommenation, organized by Okayama University 

2024.08.03  2024 Study in Japan Fair in Seoul, organized by JASSO (South Korea)

2024.07.14. UEC Open Campus @ UEC Campus

open the folder to see the past events

2024.02.24 JASSO Study Fair in Bangkok (https://www.facebook.com/JASSO.Thailand)

2024.01.26 Online Study in Japan Fair 2024 for ASEAN

References on UEC (Brochures) 


Leaflet for Int'l Students (Ver.202308)

Study Fields at UEC


References by Video Clips 

University profile  &  Comments from a few of our int'l students

Video message by a Bangladeshi student at UEC

Short messages from int'l students
at UEC

The information on the next application will be annouced in November 2023, and the deadline will be in January 17, 2024. 
If you want to have the update of next application, sign up at "Notify Me" of the site.

Need the update information on AY2024 UEC MEXT Scholarship Program (enrollment in October 2025)?    
Sign up HERE.


List of Faculty Members for Graduate School of IE
(based on the master's program, as of August 2023)


Useful websites

More videos on UEC?  (Video UEC, some research works are introduced)

Searching for your future supervisor?

  2) Search for researchers/faculty members (in Japanese and English)

  3) Laboratory Search (in Japanese only, use Google Translate or other translation tool)

General Admission Guide for Grad School (abstract in English)

Application Schedule  (for the enrollment in Oct 2023 and April 2024)

Overview of Admission 

Application Guideline for Doctoral Program (for the enrollment in Oct 2023 and April 2024)

        Admission Guide for Research Student Program

General Admission Guide   both undergraduate and graduate schools
(in Japanese, with Google Translate supported)

Inquiry form for Int'l Student

This is the inquiry form for int'l student who has questions on UEC research student program or (the preparation of application for) our graduate school. First of all, type your email address.

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